May 30, 2010

Where do I start...

I'm very new to the blogging scene, first here we go!
We have been renovating & extending our little bungalow/house for quite a while now & much to everybody's horror really enjoying it. Hubby has rebuilt & extended the little old bungalow/house himself into a larger more livable home (we still have a long way to go). We have an acre of land which runs down to a creek. The house when purchased needed to be dozed...but I had totally fallen in love with the old house, I felt so safe when hubby was working night shift & I was the protector of our two littlies with a gaping big hole in the wall, a thunderstorm & no power, yes me who hears noises every two seconds...felt safe. So with that said I could not doze this house, someone or something was making sure it stayed put (that's my story & I'm sticking to it). Plus we really could not afford to doze & rebuild. We decided to renovate, stating to all that it will be "a money & time permitting renovation" which will probably take 10yrs or more.
I hope you enjoy our renovation blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jodi, and welcome to blogland! It's funny, but your story sounds so similar to ours. We're on 21/2 acres, which has a creek running through the front paddock, and a house in need of some serious renovating. Looking forward to following you on your adventures, and the pics you've posted so far look fantastic! K xx
